All Direct Line Descendants as Eligible for Society Membership
The Board of Trustees of the Holland Society of New York voted unanimously on Saturday, February 13th, 2021, to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the Holland Society of New York. This amendment would recognize all direct line descendants as eligible for Society membership. The full Members article of the Constitution is listed below with updated language in bold. This amendment will be included on the proxy ballot for the 2021 Annual Meeting.
We are excited to open conversation with our membership about this proposed change to our Society’s Constitution. The Board of Trustees will host a virtual town hall meeting on Saturday, March 6th at 4 PM EST. Zoom information will be sent out prior to the meeting. We also encourage comments to be shared via email. Emails sent to [email protected] with the subject line “HSNY Constitutional Amendment” will be shared with the Board of Trustees.
Best wishes,
The Board of Trustees of the Holland Society of New York
Section 1. No one shall be eligible for membership unless at the time of election he or she be at least eighteen years of age, of respectable standing in society, of good moral character, and a male or female descendant in the direct line of: (a) a Dutchman or Dutchwoman who was a native or resident of New York or the American Colonies (now a part of the United States) prior to or during the year 1675; this shall include those of other former nationalities who found in Holland a refuge or a home and whose descendants in the direct line came to this country as Dutch settlers speaking Dutch as their native tongue; this shall also include descendants in the direct line of Dutch settlers who were born within the limits of Dutch settlements, and the descendants in the direct line of persons who possessed the right of Dutch citizenship within Dutch settlements in North America prior to or during the year 1675, and those who were residents of Dutch settlements in North America prior to or during the year 1675, or (b) a Dutchman or Dutchwoman, one of whose descendants became a member of this society prior to June 16, 1886 or (c) a Dutchman who was called to this country as a Dutch speaking Domine during the Colonial Period.
Section 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, persons who would be eligible for membership in the Society except that they are under eighteen years of age may be admitted to the Society as junior members upon payment of such sum as may be required by resolution of the Board of Trustees. Such members shall have no vote until they are 18 years of age nor shall they attend meetings.
Section 3. Certain members of the Society would not now be eligible for membership under Section 1 above. Nevertheless, persons elected to membership in the Society prior to April 6, 1972 who would not qualify for membership under Section 1 above, as well as persons who were admitted to membership in the Society as Life members although they were under eighteen years of age and are on April 6, 1972 under such age, are hereby confirmed as members of the Society. Members under eighteen years of age shall have no vote until they attain such age. Descendants of members (who are not members on April 6, 1972) shall be required to qualify for membership under the provisions of Section 1 above.