World War II and Letters from the White House

The Holland Society in Wartime


The Holland Society and members remained involved and vigilant during World War II offering support in many way.  They expressed their support in correspondance.

de Halve Maen Vol. XVII no. 1 January, 1942


From the White House in Washington, the Secretary has received the following communication :

The White House
Washington. DC
December 16, 1941

January 1, 1942

My dear Mr. Van Buren:

The President asks me to express his deepest thanks for your letter embodying the resolution adopted by The Holland Society of New York. It gives him real strength and courage in carrying out the will of the American people to receive such spontaneous and wholehearted pledges of support, and he will be obliged if you will tell the Board of Trustees of his appreciation and personal gratification over this genuine expression of loyalty.

Very sincerely yours, (Signed) M. H. Mclntyre Secretary to the President


This letter came in reply to that of Secretary Van Buren which, dated December 15, expressed the resolution passed by the Trustees shortly after the declaration of war, as follows:

Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of The Holland Society of New York extend to Honorable Franklin D. Roosevelt, the President of the United States, a member and former Trustee of this Society, the loyal support of this Society in the conduct of the War which has been forced upon this country.

de Halve Maen Vol. XVII no. 3  July, 1942

A resolution in support of the national war effort, offered by Col. Leigh K. Lydecker, was unanimously adopted and later transmitted to the White House.

The Secretary received the following reply:

The White House
April 9, 1942

Dear Mr. Van Buren:

The President has asked me to acknowledge your letter of April seventh and to assure you of his appreciation of your action in advising him of the adoption of the resolution by The Holland Society of New York. The President was, of course, delighted to have this assurance of loyal support.

Very sincerely yours,
Stephen Early
Secretary to the President

de Halve Maen Vol. XVIII no. 4  November, 1942

Freedom for Holland

November 1, 1943

We are proud to hail the members of the Holland Society who are in the armed forces. They have given up much to serve their country.

Today, with Holland under the heel of the conquerer and every human right curtailed, it is well to look back on the situation three hundred years ago. An Indian war had all but detroyed the Colony of New Netherland and the remnants of a panic stricken people croweded around the Fort for protection.

In those days pioneer Americans looked back to the peace and security of Holland. Holland, in her turn, now looks for emancipation. This country owes much to the little nation of the Zuider Zee. From her came the great freedoms of Worship, Speech and Education. The time approaches when we will aid in restoring freedom to The Netherlands.


Word of Australia

Lewis B. Sebring, Jr., member of the Society and during the last year correspondent in the South Pacific for the Herald-Tribune (N.Y.) writes from Australia that our solider boys are doing a splendid job.

“If I was to send a message to my fellow members of the Society it would be simply this: Get behind this thing and push with all your might, because it is going to last longer than we want it to otherwise,” he says. “Buy war bonds, every one of them that can be obtained without losing your shirt; scout around and see where you fit in for some little extra war work; help the Red Cross, which is doing a great job overseas; see what you can do to make returned soliders happier; get into the fight with your whole spirit.”’

Concerning himself, Mr. Sebring remarks:

“I am sorry not to have written before, but just at the time your letter arrived I was really up to my neck, and then early last month I got up to my ears in the tour around with Mrs. Roosevelt and now I am just getting out from under. I am afraid this is all very inconclusive, but at least I haven’t forgotten and you’ll probably hear too much from me when I get back. Remembrance to the members, with the best of luck.

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