On the History Channel: Col. Adrian Bogart Walking in His Ancestor’s 1634 Footsteps

America’s Promised Land on History Channel

Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert

From his Journal: A Journey into Mohawk and Oneida Country


Our very own Vice President and Head of Membership, Colonel Adrian Bogart, is featured in the HISTORY Channel’s  miniseries, “America: Promised Land,” debuted on Monday, May 29, 2017. Col. Bogart traced the path of his ancestor, Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert, in his expedition to save the Dutch fur trade in New Netherland. Learn more about the series on the History Channel website, and relive Col. Bogart’s trek on his Facebook page, Return to the Unknown.

If you are interested in learning more about Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert, Drs. Charles Gehring and William Starna have translated van den Bogaert’s journal, A Journey into Mohawk and Oneida Country, 1634-1635, which is available on Amazon.com.
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America – Promised Land from Drone Alps on Vimeo.

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Great Members and Friends,

I had the unique opportunity to retrace the brave journey of one of my ancestors into Mohawk and Oneida Country to determine why in 1634, the Fur Trade had ended with the Dutch.  I left 380 years to the minute when Harmen van den Bogaert left Fort Orange and traveled 108 miles west into the Iroquois Nation.  His mission a success, a trade re-established.  The History Channel in its series, America; the Promise Land captured this historic event and not only do we wish to share it with you, but ask you to forward a short story of your own to us to post on the Holland Society’s Social Media.  Thank you and we look forward to your tale of “Our Family”!

Adrian T. Bogart III, 76th President

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