October 28, 2023 – 133rd Annual Dinner Dance Report

The Holland Society of New York’s 133rd Dinner Dance at the Lotos Club

Honoring Pet Breen, President of the New York Landmarks Commission

October 28th, 2023


The Holland Society of New York’s 133rd Dinner Dance at the Lotos Club was again an amazing and memorable event.  Annually, the Society awards a Medal for Distinguished Achievement for civic, cultural, or social contributions to New York. This year’s medalist was Peg Breen, the President of the New York Landmarks Conservancy.

The Landmarks Conservancy was founded fifty years ago in 1973, dedicated to “preserving, revitalizing, and reusing” historic structures in New York. The Conservancy provides expertise, grants, and technical support to private and public owners of prehistoric properties. Since its founding, the organization has provided more than $60 million dollars in loans and grants to more than 1,300 restoration projects throughout New York.

Ms. Breen joined the Conservancy in 1994 and has led the organization’s efforts in saving the buildings, neighborhoods, and landmarks that matter to New York. From her role in saving the 9/11 “Survivors’ Staircase,” helping nonprofits recover after Superstorm Sandy, supporting the Moynihan Train Hall, and saving the country’s largest Picasso by facilitating its donation to the New-York Historical Society, Ms. Breen’s work has helped keep New York the unique and wonderful city we all know and love.

This year, we welcomed nearly 80 guests to the Dinner Dance, including Len Berman and Lori ZeltserMax CadmusTessa Dikker, Scott Dwyer and Jonathan Doucette, Ashley and Steve Ganz, Emil Janssens and Janneke van Geuns, Sally Quackenbush Mason, Francisco Montero and Susan Libby, Anne Teasdale, David and Marcia Welles, and Clara Hemphill.

During the cocktail hour in the Library, Ms. Breen presented on the Landmarks Conservancy’s work in preserving New York City as the organization celebrates its fiftieth anniversary.

In advance of dinner, the traditional toasts were made. Holland Society president Colonel Adrian Bogart III (Ret.) greeted the guests and thanked the evening’s sponsors, First Manhattan and Heineken.

After dinner, President Bogart presented Peg Breen with the Society’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Contributions to the City of New York. Ms. Breen thanked the Society and made a few remarks on the importance of the Landmarks Conservancy’s work.

Following Ms. Breen’s acceptance speech, President Bogart shared his plans for the Society’s future, including greater collaboration between organizations that focus on the history of New York.

He then introduced the long-running Holland Society tradition of the Parading of the Beaver, the mascot of the Society in honor of the beaver trade that supported New Netherland. Guests retired to the Library for dancing, with music by the Peter Duchin Orchestra.

Pictures from the Holland Society’s 132nd Annual Dinner Dance, held on October 28th, 2023, at the Lotos Club in Manhattan. Photography by Matthew Lesman.

 New York Social Diary coverage can be found here.

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