Announcing Our New Permanent Home!

Announcing Our New Permanent Home!


Dear Holland Society of New York Family,

I am delighted to share with you an exciting announcement: the Holland Society of New York once again has a home in Manhattan. You have asked for this and Society leadership has listened. Beginning this summer, you will be able to visit us in the heart of the Upper West Side at 161 West 86th Street, and enjoy a library, a facility for research, and space for in-person lectures and events. This fulfillment of our mission will include publications and reference books on site as well as the facilities for researchers and members to peruse our expansive digital archives.

In celebration of this return to owning our own physical space, I invite you to show your support for the Society through a unique annual giving campaign. All gifts between $1,000 and $25,000 will be recognized on a special donor installation in the new office, as will leadership gifts made by December 31st, 2023. Donors will be recognized according to their level of support – and your total gift to celebrate our new space can be pledged over several years. Donors will be invited to a special celebration at the opening of the new building and will be recognized in de Halve Maen.

Please join me and leave your legacy in our new home for generations to come. You may make a contribution towards supporting our new space at this link, or by mailing a check to our current office. Thank you for your generous support on this momentous occasion!

Colonel Adrian T. Bogart III

76th Society President

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