The Journals of De Halve Maen

Issues from 2019 through the present are only available by subscription.
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The Holland Society has published annual publications since its inception.  The first series, the Yearbook, was published from 1985 through 1921.

Since 1922, The Holland Society of New York has published the quarterly journal de Halve Maen, a leading magazine of the Dutch Colonial Period in America. It publishes new research illuminating the Dutch contribution to American history, and includes essays on various aspects of New Netherland culture.

The magazine is edited by noted New Netherland scholar Dr. David William Voorhees, editor of the Flatbush Church Records and Director of the Jacob Leisler Institute in Hudson, New York. Dr. Voorhees strives to present the broadest and latest research in New Netherland studies by the foremost European and American experts.

De Halve Maen reaches all members of The Holland Society as part of their membership, and is subscribed to by the interested public and scholars, leading universities, and large and small library collections worldwide. All previous issues of de Halve Maen can be found in the directory below or in individual sections by year under the Reading/de Halve Maen heading on the main navigation bar.


Dr. David Voorhees

Editor-in-Chief of de Halve Maen

David William Voorhees is Director of the Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of Early New York History in the City of Hudson, New York, Editorial Director of the Papers of Jacob Leisler, a National Historical Publications and Records Commission project, and Managing Editor of de Halve Maen, a quarterly scholarly journal devoted to New Netherland studies published by The Holland Society of New York. Formerly the Managing Reference History Editor at Charles Scribner’s Sons and a Co-Editor of The Papers of William Livingston, he received a Ph.D. in history from New York University in 1988. His published works include The Concise Dictionary of American History (1983), The Holland Society: A Centennial History 1885-1985 (1985), and translations of the Records of the Reformed Protestant Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, Volume 1, 1677-1720 (1998) and Volume 2, Deacons’ Accounts, 1654-1709 (2009), as well as author of numerous articles on the Dutch and English colonial periods in America. He was a consultant for the “Amsterdam/New Amsterdam: The Worlds of Henry Hudson” exhibit at the Museum of the City of New York and “Dutch New York Between East and West: The World of Margrieta van Varick” exhibit at the Bard Graduate Center in Manhattan, and co-editor of special New Netherland issue of New York History (Fall 2008). In April 2010, HRH Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands made him a Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau.

Editor-in-Chief of de Halve Maen

The Society has opened our online archives to the public. They are available at this link. All of our original content is under copywrite. Please contact the Society for permission to use any material included in these archives in a publication, whether online or in print.