Junior Memberships


The Junior Application is for parents, grandparents, or other family members who are a member of the Society and are interested in completing a membership application for a child under the age of eighteen.

You may submit your application digitally below.

Please download

 Holland Society Junior Application

if you would like to submit it manually or use it as a worksheet.

We would like to suggest that you keep a copy of all of your work.

Application Guideline


Digital Application for Junior Membership


I submit this application for membership for the below stated candidate in the Holland Society of New York by submitting this application. I provide evidence of their eligibility through their family’s direct descent.

Should he/she/they be admitted to Membership in the Holland Society of New York, they well be eligible to vote and participate in full as a Member of the Society upon their eighteenth birthday. No dues will be owed until their eighteenth birthday.

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Step 1 of 2
On behalf of this junior candidate, I hereby apply for membership to the Holland Society of New York.
Your New Netherland residing ancestor
Full name and birthdate
Please state relationship: daughter, son, niece, nephew, etc.
Name of the Junior Member:
List such documentation as birth, death, marriage certificates, family bibles, church records, or wills, probate or other legal papers.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
List such documentation as birth, death, marriage certificates, family bibles, church records, or wills, probate or other legal papers.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.