New Line Lineage Membership
This application is for those whose family is a direct descendant of a Dutch native or resident of a North American Dutch settlement prior to 1675 and whose family, past or present, has never been a member of the Holland Society. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. These applications may have to be verified by a certified genealogist prior to approval by the Board of Trustees.
Please note: We do not accept online database family trees from, or any other Family History platform nor DNA as supporting documentation for new line applicants
Please complete the following two forms. The first form contains personal information, and the second form allows you to list the details of your direct line ancestry.
As a reference on how to fill in an Application, please see this sample based on Humphrey Bogart’s application.
You may submit your application digitally below.
If you would like to submit it manually or use it as a worksheet, please download the Holland Society New Line Application form.
We would like to suggest that you keep a copy of all of your work. Please note that we can not accept documents that are printed double-sided.
I am applying for membership in the Holland Society of New York by submitting this application. I provide evidence of my eligibility through my direct descent. If admitted, I pledge to promote and support the Society and adhere to its Constitution and By-laws.