Colonel Adrian Bogart, is featured in the HISTORY Channel's, "America: Promised Land." He replicated his ancestor, Harmen van den Bogaert's journey Mohawk and Oneida Country to determine why in 1634, the Fur Trade had ended with the Dutch.

In the Dutch settlement of New Netherland, medicine was practiced by physicians relying on ancient Greek and Roman texts, with little influence from Renaissance scientific advances, viewing diseases often as supernatural in origin.

New York City's municipal government began on February 2, 1653, when Peter Stuyvesant established local administration for New Amsterdam.

Few Societies possess insignia comparable in historical significance to that of the Holland Society. From the famous "Beggars' Medal" or ceremonial badge, the devices indicative of long membership and lapel insignia, to the newly established "Presidents' Award"

Dutch women played a crucial role in the development of 17th-century New York and New Jersey, transforming a wilderness into a thriving community and influencing the rise of New Amsterdam.

It was about three centuries ago when New York was still New Amsterdam that the ancestor of our present-day Santa Claus first made an appearance in America. He was a bishop in the person of a kindly white-bearded old man in flowing robes riding a white horse.

The average person who lived in Europe in the Middle Ages knew but little, and all he did know came from the lips of others who knew as little as he. Even those who could read and write were steeped in superstition.

1909 Three Hundred Years Ago in New Amsterdam by Ottomar H. Van Norden de Halve Maen July 1949 Three hundred and forty years ago (July 29, 1609), a battle

History records a number of stirring events of three centuries ago in New Netherlands. It was in 1655 that the Indians went on rampage killing scores of settlers at Pavonia and other places.

Contrary to popular belief, the royal sport of golf wasn't introduced to America by Scots, but by the Dutch. Peter Stuyvesant even prohibited its play on city streets in New Netherland.