History records a number of stirring events of three centuries ago in New Netherlands. It was in 1655 that the Indians went on rampage killing scores of settlers at Pavonia and other places.

Correspondence between the Holland Society and the White House during times of war or between Presidents who were members of the Holland Society.

Contrary to popular belief, the royal sport of golf wasn't introduced to America by Scots, but by the Dutch. Peter Stuyvesant even prohibited its play on city streets in New Netherland.

400 years ago: Peace was concluded with the Long Island and River Indians on August 30, 1645, at Bowling Green, ending the bloody war begun by Director Kieft’s attack on the Algonquins. Kieft and Domine Bogardus later clashed.

In search of my ancestral roots, I traveled to The Netherlands in late June 2019 with my wife, Cheryl, to visit my ancestral home in a tiny village called Schoonrewoerd.

The members of The Holland Society of New York, in annual reunion assembled, record their profound sorrow in the death of their distinguished fellow member, Theodore Roosevelt.

The Indians of the Iroquois League and the Dutch First printed in de Halve Maen, January, 1946 Vol.XXI no.1 When the Dutch first occupied New Netherland they almost immediately