The Holland Society of New York is a historical and genealogical society founded to collect and preserve information respecting the early history and settlement of New Netherland by the Dutch.
The Society was incorporated on May 1st, 1885, by a group of gentleman descended from the original settlers of New Netherland. Membership has since been opened to all direct descendants of residents of Dutch settlements in North America. We welcome all who are interested in this period of history to join us, whether as members or friends of the Society.
The Society has, since its founding days, attracted a growing membership to its wide range of activities for the descendants of the New Netherland residents. As a historical society, the organization has worked on preserving the history of New Netherland, from the Society’s Library (now donated to the New York State Library) and by publishing the widely acclaimed journal, de Halve Maen.
More information about joining the Society can be found on the Join page of our website.