Past Holland Society Events


The Holland Society hosts two signature annual events. The first is the Annual Meeting and Dinner, typically held on or around April 6th each year. This event allows members to gather, discuss the state of the Society, and celebrate with a dinner where the Members’ Distinguished Achievement Medal is awarded to a member who has excelled in their field. A list of past medalists is available here.

The second major event is the Annual Dinner Dance, a black-tie affair honoring a non-member who has made significant contributions to the human endeavor. The honoree receives the Holland Society’s Medal for Distinguished Achievement, with past honorees listed here.

Additional events are offered throughout the year, details of which are announced in our Newsletter and on our Social Media channels.

April 6, 2024 – 138th Annual Meeting and Spring Reception

The Holland Society welcomed members, friends, and guests to their Spring Reception, held at the Lotos Club Grill.

September 7, 2024 – Holland Society Family Picnic at New York Marble Cemetery

Family Picnic at the New York Marble Cemetery September 7, 2024 The Long Island Branch of the Holland Society hosted a popular family picnic throughout the 60s and 70s. For

March 15, 2024 – Holland Society Tour of Old Dutch Tap Room at Grolier Club

On Friday March 15th, Holland Society members had a chance to experience and old Dutch ‘tapperij’ (Dutch for tap room) at the Grolier Club,.

October 29, 2023 – Van Cortlandt House Museum Private Tour

The Holland Society Explored the Dutch History of New York at Van Cortlandt House Museum during a private tour with Museum Director Nick Dembowski

October 28, 2023 – 133rd Annual Dinner Dance Report

The Holland Society of New York's 133rd Dinner Dance at the Lotos Club was a notable event, awarding Peg Breen, President of the New York Landmarks Conservancy, with a Medal for Distinguished Achievement for her contributions to New York.

October 28, 2023 – Walking Tour: The Forty Years Manhattan Was Dutch

Beginning in 1624, the Dutch West India Company transformed an edge of Manhattan wilderness into the colonial city of New Amsterdam. They controlled Manhattan for only 40 years, until 1664, when the British took over.

September 7, 2023 – Holland Society’s Niagara Branch Annual Meeting & Dinner

Dr. John Montague, President Emeritus of the Buffalo Maritime Center, will present new and exciting updates relating to his group’s multiyear effort to build a recreation of the original 1825 Erie Canal Boat, Seneca Chief, which traveled from Buffalo to NYC, celebrating the completion of the Erie Canal. 2025 marks the 200th anniversary of this voyage.

2023 – Lecture: Columbia University’s Queen Wilhelmina Lecture Gives New Exposure to Holland Society’s Grotius Collection

The talk gave new exposure to the Holland Society’s collection of early Dutch books, together known as the Grotius Collection.  The Grotius Collection has been on deposit at Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library since 1901.

April 1, 2023 – 137th Annual Meeting Spring Reception

The Holland Society welcomed members, friends, and guests to their Spring Reception, held at the Lotos Club Grill.

October 29, 2022 – 132nd Annual Dinner Dance Report

The 132nd Dinner Dance by The Holland Society awarded Whitney Donhauser, the Ronay Menschel Director and President of the Museum of the City of New York, the 2022 Medal for Distinguished Achievement. She will soon join the Metropolitan Museum of Art as Deputy Director and Chief Advancement Officer.

2022 – Walking Tour – Historic Diversity in the East Village

Walking tour of the East Village with historian Joyce Gold.

2022 Lecture Series: Andrea Mosterman at St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowery

In her presentation, Mosterman explored the history of slavery and resistance in Dutch New York, from 1627 to 1827.

2022 Spring Reception

The Holland Society hosted members, friends, and guests to our spring reception.

A Place of Inquiry with Elizabeth Moore

Who are the “important” people in our family portraits, and who is missing or invisible? How can we celebrate our family history when it implicates us in America’s tragic legacy of slavery?

2021 – 131st Annual Dinner Dance –  October 30, 2021

The 131st Annual Dinner Dance of the Holland Society, held on October 30th, 2021, at the Lotos Club in Manhattan.

2021 Walking Tour of Lower Manhattan

Joyce Gold, New York Historian, gave a tour of Lower Manhattan.

2021 New Questions and New Answers in the 21st Century with Dr. Rob Snyder

Manhattan Borough Historian, Dr. Rob Snyder, spoke about the Dutch in New  York.

2020 Piracy and Punishment Lecture

Holland Society member Ed Tiesenga presented a fascinating lecture on Hugo Grotius's piracy laws and their continuation into present-day America. If you were unable to attend, the video of the lecture and subsequent Q&A can be found at this link. President Bogart shares his thoughts below.

2019 Niagara Branch Dinner Meeting

The Niagara Branch of the Holland Society of New York had its annual dinner meeting on Thursday September 26, 2019 at the Saturn Club in Buffalo, NY.

2019 Virginia and Carolinas Branch Meeting

On the weekend of September 20 thru September 22, the Virginia/Carolinas Branch of the Holland Society of New York held our annual meeting in Belmont, NC. with 21 members and guests in attendance.
